Sometime in 2013 (I think), the Metro Manila birding community was all agog about a kingfisher that was found at Polilio Island. A well known bird photographer even used a chopper to get to Polilio in order to photograph said bird (yep, the stories about the famous helicopter sortie are true and this bird was the target of said trip). I was a newbie then and didn't really understand all the excitement. I finally understood when said bird was not seen again for several years, or at least there were no photos posted in socmed. The discovery of the Marilaque corridor in mid 2017 resulted in some sightings and photos but there was never a stable site. Someone would see it and post a photo or two but when others go the following day, they come up empty handed. Personally, I probably have three or four such failed sorties. So while the bird remained high on my birding bucket list, I didn't have high expectations of seeing it soon.
I was due back in Manila on the evening of June 15th because the following day was Father's day and I wanted to celebrate it with my family. A few days before, I got word that the Balete tree behind Sweet Potato's house in Infanta was fruiting and was attracting a couple of fruit doves. While these were not lifers anymore, the prospect of getting good photos of these colorful birds is always appealing so I made plans with Ven Rojas and Homer Pialda for June 17 since it was a holiday. When the Boston Celtics did not win game 4 of the NBA Finals on June 15 (Phil time), I had second thoughts of going to Infanta on June 17 because it will mean missing game 5. But Lorna, my wife, informed me that Game 5 was June 17 US time so it meant June 18 Philippine time so I could bird! Whew!
Our final group was composed of Ed Santos, Tony Admana, a visiting birder from the US, Ven Rojas, and myself. The main target for the day was the Northern Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher which Albert and Dahlia Abadicio photographed a few days prior (Thursday, June 13, if I remember correctly). However, true to its nature, said bird was not seen on the 14th, 15th, and 16th. So our expectations were tempered by this fact.
We arrived at the site a little after six am and there were already about ten or twelve birders crowding Kamote's backyard. Both him and his son Francis were there directing the crowd. Holding court were the Cream-bellied and Yellow-breasted Fruit Doves. After setting up our gear, I asked Francis where Albert got the PDKF and he pointed to an eye level branch to our left about ten meters away (some guys have all the luck!). The next half hour or so were spent trying to get good photos of the doves.
During a lull, I happened to glance at Francis, who was somewhere on our right, waving us to go over to him, but making the sign to keep quiet. I quickly scooted over followed by the others, and looked down on the tree branch, (approximately 20 meters away), that Francis was pointing at. And it was there, this tiny pink-red bird. Aim, Focus, and Press the shutter non stop.
I could feel/hear movement behind me as the others set us their gear and asking, "saan, saan?, di ko makita, ayun!" I remember moving a couple of steps forward and crouching to make sure I was not blocking anyone. But my finger never left the shutter. Based on my camera's time stamp, the bird stayed only a little over a minute and since I was shooting handheld many were not sharp. Luckily there were a couple of decent ones. Sharing some...

The uncropped view

Northern Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher
Thank you Lord for this mega lifer! Thank you Ed Santos for the ride! Thank you NBA for scheduling game 5 the following day and Congratulations to the Boston Celtics for winning Banner 18!